A cool start

The view out on to the road was almost as exciting. Not only the cars but the road surface had suffered. My Tuesday morning walk to catch the train into Nottingham was a bit slower than usual, and I just missed my train. Later on, at lunchtime my ten minute cycle ride to the Art Room was fairly comfortable, but I began to wish that I had taken a hat. The canal has partly frozen over, and there were a group of uncomfortable looking ducks trying to work out why they could stand on the water.
It is half-term holiday time again, and we are running a series of children's workshops. We have divided the studio, and I am staying on the adult's side as we are running the normal open studio sessions too. So far, so good but it still makes for a tiring day whether you are actively with the children or not.
This morning it was brighter with little visible frost, but the water for the birds was frozen solid. A robin was on the bird table looking very picturesque, but had gone before I could fetch a camera.