Friday, April 27, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Departing ... and ... returning

Ever since I was at art college in 1995 and started sketching I have meant to spend a little time standing in the street to sketch the rooftop decorations on Brooklands School.

This slender decoration ran across the Tamworth Road end, while this one was set back, part way through the building.
Until Friday there was also a small metal turret vent placed on the three raised parts to the left of the above picture.
Returning ...We had a little rain today. Barely enough to wet the ground, but the first for weeks.
With it came the return of the snails and slugs.
These two pretty little things were up near the house, well away from our baby vegetables.
But I did have to remove a couple from the inside of the greenhouse.
Time to get vigilant!
Friday, April 13, 2007
A great start to SP10 ...

Monday, April 09, 2007
Accepted ... once more

This is the first piece where I marry wet-felting and porcelain in jewellery.
The fibres used are predominantly two shades of scarlet cut with a razor to show off a vivid velvety surface deep inside the "bone".
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Rushing around
On Tuesday I went over to Newark to Crafty Notions for some wool fibres for spinning, for the Art Room.
Talking to Sarah shortly after I arrived, we found out various people we both know.
As a result, on Thursday when I went to the stitching show at the NEC, I took a small parcel to Yvonne.
She was surprised to receive some boucle yarn that was barely dry from the dyepot.
In turn Sue brought me a lovely surprise, a paper bag containing some "Smile" seed potatoes.
It was good to see the other Sue too.
I finally bought one of Ziggy's lucets. I see him regularly at the shows.
This time he was within sight of our stand.
Haven't had time to try it out yet though.
Leaving later than usual worked out well.
The show closed to the public at 17.30, and we stood around relaxing for a bit before dispersing.
My train connections were easy.
But best of all, on the train from Birmingham to Derby the men next to me opened a bottle of red wine, and offered me some!
I've never had that happen before.
Thursday was over in a rush, and I was back to the Art Room on Friday and Saturday to prepare for our first anniversary opening on Sunday.
Sunday was a very busy day. It went by in blur