Sunday, July 02, 2006

Timber !!!!!

Round about 09.30 this morning, I went into the garden to put out the washing line.
We'd had a heavy rain shower earlier on. I found that part of our cedar tree had broken. Fortunately, it was lying over a lower branch and hadn't damaged the Victoria plum noticeably.

12.00 saw us venturing out with a ladder, saw, and axe to cut the branch off.
Talk about "mad dogs and Englishmen" going out in the midday sun. The temperature had been steadily rising again, and at its peak today it was 31 C in the shade. Mid afternoon the car registered 34 C on a short drive.

So after much effort we ended up with less cedar, and a brown bin pretty full for the council composting pickup next week.

Sometime when it isn't so urgent or hot we will have to take off the branch that it fell down onto.


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